Work + Well-being – Positive Psychology News

Abimbola (Abi) Tschetter (MAPP ’22) is a business writer, editor, and marketing
consultant based north of Seattle on Whidbey Island. She is an assistant instructor in the University of
Pennsylvania Master of Applied Positive Psychology program and editor-in-chief of its alumni publication,
MAPP Magazine.

Abi’s articles are here.

How many hours have you spent working today? This week? This year? Many of us devote as much or even more time to our work than we do to sleep, to our loved ones, or to anything else. In fact, in her oft-cited book, Happiness at Work, Jessica Pryce-Jones estimates that the average worker spends more than 90,000 hours—a third of a lifetime—at work.

Our work can affect how and with whom we spend our time, our perception of self, the trajectory of our lives, and how we show up in the world. As such, my colleagues and I believe that work must be a central consideration in any exploration of a life well-lived. In this month’s issue of MAPP Magazine, the alumni publication of the University of Pennsylvania Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) program, we’re pleased to share several perspectives on work and well-being. 

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Man looking at sunset
Time to look at sunset

The unshakable self: Building identity on being, not having

In a world captivated by material wealth, our true selves are often buried beneath the weight of what we possess.

In this article, Senior Wealth Planner, Ross Bruch (MAPP’22) offers a unique approach to unearthing our selves and finding gratitude, resilience, and identity without the burden of all the things that get in the way.

Path between cityscape and nature

Pioneering a new paradigm in corporate wellness: My journey from finance to founding Goalmap

Following a calling to pursue well-being, Damien Catani (MAPP’23) pivoted from a career in the fast-paced, high-stakes world of international finance to the burgeoning field of corporate wellness.

In this article, Catani shares his journey in developing Goalmap, a software-powered training provider that aims to revolutionize workplace well-being.

Man on bike

The entrepreneur’s eight laws to creating the good life

Long-time entrepreneur and MAPP alum, Aaron Marcum (MAPP’22) contends that personal flourishing and entrepreneurial success requires a holistic approach anchored in positive psychology. Marcum has identified eight laws—including clarity, connections, faith, and agency—which he believes are essential to entrepreneurial thriving. He captures these laws in his newly released book, EntreThrive.

Based on insights from his book, this article offers key takeaways aligned to each of the eight laws.

Guilt and its intersection with well-being: Implications for working mothers, their families, and organizations

Although maternal guilt is woefully understudied, its impacts can undermine not only general well-being but all aspects of motherhood, especially for working mothers.

In this exploration of maternal guilt, author Frawn Morgan (MAPP’17) explores its implications as well as mitigation strategies rooted in positive psychology and informed by her doctoral research with working mothers.

Read excerpts from a recent conversation with Jane Dutton, positive organizational scholar and cofounder of the Center for Positive Organizations at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.

In this interview, Dutton reflects on work and well-being, shares why she believes the pursuit of individual well-being may be insufficient in addressing global challenges, and offers insights into how organizations may offer keys to large-scale collective change.

For more on ways to find well-being through work
and other real-world applications of positive psychology,

visit and bookmark MAPP Magazine.

To subscribe to the MAPP Magazine to get new editions in your email,

click here.


Marcum, A. (2024). EntreThrive: The Entrepreneur’s Eight Laws to Accelerate Financial Freedom While Creating The Good Life. Ethos Collective.

Pryce-Jones, J. (2010). Happiness at work: Maximizing your psychological capital for success. Wiley Blackwell.

Dutton, J. E. (2003). Energize your workplace: How to create and sustain high-quality connections at work. Jossey-Bass.

Friedman, A., A. Carmeli and J. Dutton (2018). When Does Respectful Engagement with One’s Supervisor Foster Help-Seeking Behaviors and Performance? Journal of Vocational Behavior.

Carmeli, A., J. Dutton and A. Hardin. (2015). Respect as an Engine for New Ideas: Linking Respectful Engagement, Relational Information Processing, and Creativity among Employees and Teams. Human Relations.

Dutton J. (2014). Creating High–Quality Connections as a Pathway for Cultivating Purpose. People and Strategy Journal.

Image Credits

Man looking at sunset from Silviu Zidaru on Unsplash

Cityscape versus nature from Chat GPT;

Triathalon biker from Jacek Dylag on Unsplash;

Woman and toddler Mother and child from Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash;

Jane Dutton used with permission from Jane Dutton. 

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