Kaye E.

Kaye E.

‘I Lost My Body’ Director Goes Live-Action

Though it begins with its cinematic feet affixed to the ground, French writer-director Jérémy Clapin’s “Meanwhile on Earth,” his moody hybrid follow-up to the lyrical, Oscar-nominated animated feature “I Lost My Body,” soon launches beyond the stratosphere and into outer space. Adrift, Elsa (Megan Northam), a young caregiver with a talent for drawing, looks to the…

There’s No Rest at the Rest Home

As populations’ median ages continue to rise — and the future looks increasingly hazardous for all age groups — more movies are touching on senility, dementia, elder abuse and other topics that not long ago rarely got any screen airing.…

Future of Roman Reigns Story Arc

The first episode of WWE Raw on Netflix Jan. 6 was, in the words of a top executive at the company, perhaps the most important episode of the show’s 32-year history. The WWE inked a 10 year, $5 billion deal…